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Use the Note component to call out information in documentation pages.


Note is a shortcode, meaning it's globally available in all .md and .mdx files. So you can use the Note component in any .md or .mdx file without importing it.

<Note>Your note goes here</Note>

To write markdown syntax inside of a Note, make sure to add extra newlines to separate the content from the opening and closing tags:

blah blah blah
Your _note_ goes **here**.
blah blah blah


Info (default)

Use the info variant to call out neutral information.

<Note>Your note goes here</Note>


Use the warning variant to indicate that extra care should be taken.

<Note variant="warning">Don't forget to give your images alt text.</Note>


Use the danger variant to indicate that something bad could happen if the reader ignores the note.

<Note variant="danger">Don't cut the red wire!</Note>